Tuesday Night Bible Studies

We meet at the church on the 2nd and 3rd Tuesdays of the Month for Bible Study.  The studies begin at 7:00pm and end around 8:00pm in the sanctuary.  This study is a multi-age study including couples, families and children.  The studies end with about 10-15 minutes of prayer time with a time for sharing prayer requests and concerns.  Each of our 3 Elders take turns teaching the Bible Study.  Usually they divide the year into thirds, teaching Tuesday Night Bible Studies for four month sessions.  Usually each elder will choose a theme or a particular book of the Bible to complete during their 4 month session and encourage members to either take their own notes or follow handouts provided.  Bible Studies are slightly less formal times in which attendees are encouraged to participate by asking and answering questions or volunteering to read Scripture and packages.  Everyone is welcome to our Tuesday night Bible Studies.  We hope you visit soon.